What To Consider If Looking For a Yoga Mat?

Oct 19, 2022
 Is it time to buy a new yoga mat? Let us help you choose the right one! Not all cushions are the same, so make sure you know which one is right for you.


A good yoga mat is an indispensable tool for the modern yogi. It cushions the joints, the grip keeps us from sliding, the temperature is controlled so we don't lie on the cold floor, and of course, it's great for hygiene. Depending on the type of yoga you practice, your mat requirements may vary. This guide will help you narrow down the qualities you're looking for in a mat and offer some advice.



The thin yoga mat is about 1/16 inch thick, perfect for practicing balance poses that keep you connected to the floor. The downside of a thin pad is that it gives you less cushioning support. A 1/4-inch yoga mat is considered thick and may be better suited for back support during core work, handstands, and other poses that cause the bones to go deep into the ground. If you want a happy medium, choose a standard yoga mat labeled 3.3mm or 1/8" thick.



The material of the yoga mat is the most important for grip. Poor grip means your hands and feet can easily slide over the mat, affecting alignment and making you more prone to injury. This is especially a problem for those who sweat a lot or practice tandem yoga. The grip of a yoga mat depends on the material of the surface. Natural fiber yoga mat is your choice.



The texture of the pad will control its traction. If you sweat a lot in yoga class, a sturdy mat will keep you from slipping. If the bumpy texture bothers you, make sure the smooth pad has a moisture control mechanism.



Affordable option: If you're new to yoga or don't practice it often, buy an inexpensive mat from yoga mat manufacturers. These superstore yoga mats are affordable and come in a variety of colors and patterns.



